The Ultimate Guide: 10 Must-Know Facts About Artificial Turf for a Lush, Low-Maintenance Lawn


Your dream of a lush, low-maintenance lawn is more attainable than you ever imagined with the help of artificial turf. Artificial turf is synthetic grass that will give you the best lawn on the block without all the hassle! Apart from impressing the neighbors, artificial turf has several benefits that can transform your lawn. Golf Greens is here to introduce you to the world of artificial turf through 10 must-know facts that might make you leave your grass lawn behind. 

1. The History of Artificial Turf  

Research into artificial turf solutions began in the 1950s when the Ford Foundation’s Education Facilities Laboratory was tasked with improving inner-city youth physical fitness programs. Their solution? Artificial turf! The first large-scale artificial turf installation happened in 1964 at the Moses Brown School in Providence, RI, before it was finally brought to professional sports. The Houston Astros, who were in dire need of a consistent playing surface at the time, adopted artificial turf in 1965 and coined its common nickname, “Astroturf.” Since then, artificial turf has become synonymous with athletics and has exploded in popularity residentially!  

2. Artificial Turf is Low-Maintenance and Lush  

The glaring advantage to using artificial turf in your lawn is the rich green color it will maintain year-round. The days of dead grass crunching under your feet in the heat of the summers and bitter cold of the winters are long gone. And the best part? Maintaining it is easy! Unlike natural grass, which requires mowing, edging, and weeding, artificial turf only needs occasional maintenance to retain its vibrant appearance. Be ready for a mountain of questions and compliments from the neighbors!   

3. What Maintenance Does Artificial Turf Require  

Even artificial turf would require no maintenance in a perfect world, but that’s unrealistic. However, compared to the amount of back-breaking work natural grass requires, artificial turf is a permanent vacation from grueling yard work. Here are a few things you can do to keep your artificial turf in premier condition:  

  • Brush Regularly: To prevent matting and to keep your turf fibers standing upright, brush the turf regularly. This can be done with a stiff brush or power broom and produces the best results when brushed against the grain of the turf. Also, be sure to remove any debris, such as twigs and leaves, that may accumulate.  
  • Rinse Regularly: It’s essential to occasionally rinse your turf to remove dust and dirt. This will keep your turf in ideal condition for longer. Use a garden hose or light sprinkler, and be sure to avoid high water pressures that may damage the turf.   
  • Address Stains and Spills: Artificial turf is prone to staining if not cleaned promptly. Use warm water and a mild detergent to blot the area gently. After a gentle rinse, the stain should be gone.  
  • Pet Care: If you are a pet owner, be sure to clean up after your pets! Artificial turf can sometimes retain odors, so it’s essential to remove solid waste and rinse the area to prevent that. We recommend designating an area for this to minimize the required cleanup. You can also use pet-specific artificial turf cleaners to keep your turf clean.  

4. Artificial Turf is Durable

Artificial turf is designed to be far more durable than natural grass, which, under certain conditions, can deteriorate in multiple ways. In the summer, your grass will likely die and lose its color. Then, more of the same in the winter. And just when you think spring will be better, it becomes a muddy, overgrown mess. Artificial turf is designed for all conditions and heavy-foot traffic to maintain its color and form. Your family and friends will have a functional outdoor space year-round.  

5. Artificial Turf is Good for the Environment 

Believe it or not, replacing your natural grass with artificial turf has many environmental benefits. To start, artificial turf eliminates the need for watering your lawn. Water conservation is highly beneficial to the environment and will save you money, especially in drought-prone areas. You can also stop using harmful pesticides and fertilizers to keep your lawn alive. These materials contain harmful chemicals that can seep into water supplies, harming your local ecosystem. You can drastically reduce your carbon footprint by switching to artificial turf.   

6. There Are Different Types of Artificial Turf 

Artificial turf is produced in a variety of ways to fit a variety of needs. The two main types of artificial turf are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). PE turf is ideal for residential lawns because it is meant to appear more natural. PP turf is made to be more durable and resistant to heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for commercial and athletic uses.   

Golf Greens can tackle every type of artificial turf job, whether commercial, residential, or athletics-related. We can install your backyard with a beautiful lawn, pet-friendly turf, or even a putting green. Artificial turf is also perfect for playgrounds, schools, and golf courses to help reduce labor and costs. Lastly, Golf Greens produces high-quality turf for baseball diamonds, football gridirons, and even indoor soccer pitches. Whatever your artificial turf needs are, Golf Greens has got you covered.   

7. Artificial Turf Can Work in Any Climate  

Although artificial turf suits any climate, your climate will determine what type of turf you need. For example, nylon turf is ideal for extreme hot and cold climates. However, nylon absorbs water, which is unsuitable for wet, humid climates. There are also common misconceptions about how turf reacts to the outside temperature. In the cold, the soil under the turf may freeze, making it seem firmer, but the turf is unaffected. It is true that in the summer, artificial turf absorbs heat and can be about 10 degrees hotter than other surfaces. However, that is by design. The contrary would be the heat being reflected back onto whoever uses the surface.   

8. Artificial Turf is Cost-Effective  

The initial cost of installing artificial turf may be intimidating at first glance, but it is a long-term investment in the quality of your property that will pay off. Your installation’s cost relies on several factors. The size of your lawn, your choice of turf, and the project’s complexity can all affect the price. The complexity of the project refers to how much labor is required. For example, if your lawn has large undulations, it may need to be leveled out.   

When it comes to artificial turf, the money-saving comes after the installation. Once your lawn is artificial, your maintenance costs will plummet. Whether you do your own yard work or use a lawn service, both have costs that mount up over time, except you won’t be paying for them. Artificial turf also resists pests, meaning there is no need for expensive pest control calls. You’ll even be saving yourself money on the water bill because you don’t need to run your sprinklers. Overall, artificial turf is a worthwhile investment that adds value to your property and saves you money.    

9. Artificial Turf is Allergy-Free and UV Resistant  

Artificial turf even has benefits that go beyond money or aesthetics. These benefits are often overlooked but can profoundly affect your turf, health, and daily life. To start, artificial turf is allergy-free, unlike most natural grass species. Pollen from grass has several adverse effects on your health, such as itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, and other cold-like symptoms. Installing artificial turf guarantees an allergen-free lawn and a much more comfortable space for you and your family. Artificial turf is also resistant to Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. This ensures that your artificial turf lawn will not fade under direct sunlight — another reason why artificial turf is ideal for hot, dry climates.   

10. Why You Need Golf Greens

Golf Greens is the premier artificial turf service in West Texas, equipped to tackle any artificial turf projects. Whether you want to upgrade your outdoor space or install a new playing surface, we have you covered. We have been doing quality work since 2007, leaving behind a legacy of high-quality turf and impeccable customer service. You deserve the outdoor space of your dreams, and we can deliver it. So, after learning all there is to know about artificial turf, don’t you think it’s time for an upgrade?   

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